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Emergency Unsecured Credit as an Employee Benefit
Introducing: Credit as an Employee Benefit

Things go wrong.
Life happens.
To employees too.

We help companies ensure their employees have access to rapid responsible unsecured credit / cash when life's emergencies happen. Easy access, just payslip & ID. And even better, no time off work for several bank applications.

Hotline: (021) 852-9797

For 24 Years - R624 million in Loans - With 682 Companies - 63,500 Employee Loans

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We’re Vecto Finance

Pre-arranged credit access. Introducing an innovative Employee Benefit that makes a real difference in time of need.

support staff in crisis

Pre-register with us to ensure your staff has access to urgent credit (cash) in times of emergency. Outsourced loans are unsecured, no collateral needed, fast easy access with just payslip and ID.

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protect your cashflow

No need to provide staff with crisis loans, protect your business life blood. Vecto developed unsecured credit as a powerful employee benefit. Outsource all staff loans to your partner, Vecto.

legal compliance

Our staff loans and pro service comply with the NCA. Outsource to Vecto and avoid legal trouble with company loans.

Baby ER
Urgent School Clothes
Car Troubles
Increase your employee attendance

Support employees in dealing with real life

When things go wrong, get your staff back to work as soon as possible, with presence of mind and focus, reduce distractions about crisis or work disruptions.

From something as simple as a broken phone or car engine damage, a sick child, a broken arm, a sudden funeral... Unplanned events happen and seldom are people prepared with savings for a rainy day. They need cash NOW and too often fall prey to loan sharks and get their family into a pit of unmanageable dangerous debt.

HR can play a great supportive roll NOW, by pre-arranging responsible credit access for employees with Vecto. Be ready for for WHEN crisis do come to visit.

simple cost structure

Supporting thousands of employees since 1999, nationwide.

We provide unsecured loans from R500 up to R15,000 to employees, repayable over 1, 3, 6, 12 or 18 months. Quick EFT deposits in 24 hours.

Years in business
Employees Served
Employers since 1999
in Employee Loans

No Risk

When employees need urgent access to credit, they deal with Vecto as the outsource loans provider. There is no risk of loss to the company, no defaults concerns, we alone carry all the credit risk.

Our Services

Protect Cashflow

Any loans made to staff depletes the company's operational cashflow. Why? Give your employees the benefit of fast access to emergency loans without any strain on your cash reserves.

Ouor Services

No Cost

There are zero fees to the company to register with Vecto as the staff loans provider. No application fees, no processing fees, None!

Our Services

No Disputes

Neither HR nor Payroll any longer need to decide and argue over who gets a loan and who doesn't. The function is outsourced to Vecto who processes all applications rapidly and professionally, with credit checks, risk profiles and NCR requirements. No risk or drama.

Our Services

No Legal Worries

If you make in-house loans to your staff and ask any interest, your company MUST be registered with the NCR by law.  If no interest, the company must then comply with SARS' fringe benefit rules. A catch-22. Why deal with this legal risk? Use Vecto Finance as professional NCR registered credit provider.

Our Services
Click to Register

Outsourced Help

Pre-Register with us today. No cost or fees EVER. Have us engage with your staff on responsible loans, education on smart use of credit, upskilling and enabling a family's future and financial stability.

Our Services
Real Life Experiences

Our Employer HR's and our lenders praise our professional services

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Corporate Partners

Trusted by top South African companies and organizations

From small factories to big retail brand names and hotels, we support many companies with unsecured credit as a employee benefit. Our unsecured loans are governed by the National Credit Regulator in South Africa. We are a member of the Credit Ombud as well as Micro Finance SA.

Latest developments

Articles regularly updated

Ready to get started?

We are consistently challenging ourselves to deliver greater value and services to Employers. Your outsourced-staff-loans partner.

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